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The Advantages of Being a Magazine Editor
by Jim Welte
Magazine editors need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators and creative people. These skills are integral in fulfilling duties, such as assigning tasks to writers, editing articles and selecting the stories to be included in an issue. They supervise reporters or other editors and serve as the face of the magazine. The duty of making business decisions for the magazine also falls squarely on their shoulders. Even though working as a magazine editor can be stressful, this job boasts of numerous advantages.
Increased Pay
Magazine editors benefit from good salary packages, which differ based on the levels of editorial positions, such as copy editors, managing editors, editors-in-chief and senior editors. The editor-in-chief is the highest paid magazine editor because of his high rank in the editorial department and the nature of his work. A 2011 editorial survey by Folio magazine found that editors-in-chief of consumer magazines earn an annual salary of $80,000.The study also revealed that senior and managing editors earn $62,000 annually.
Magazine editors get to meet people and forge new relationships. For instance, managing editors and editors-in-chief are usually the key representatives of the magazine. As the faces of the magazine, they should be in constant contact with people from other sectors. An editor-in-chief of a trade magazine, for example, would need to be in touch with stakeholders in the business sector. Through this association, these editors have the chance to build personal long-lasting relationships with other people. Developing such a network could be helpful when seeking better terms of employment in another publication.
Magazine editors work under minimal supervision, which enables them to make independent decisions. In making these decisions, they should be team players by co-operating with other stakeholders in the production of the magazine. Examples of such stakeholders include designers, web developers, writers, artists, photographers and printers. These decisions also need to be based on an understanding of the audience’s needs. Those who work as freelancers for various magazines benefit from the flexibility associated with their jobs. They can choose their projects, working hours and working stations.
Job Exposure
Magazine editors can advance their careers with hard work, time and patience. Most executive editors and editors-in-chief started out as editorial assistants or interns before working their way up to the better-paying positions. As an editorial assistant, you can gain valuable experience by observing the inner workings of a magazine. By attending editorial meetings, you have a chance to acquire critical-thinking and organization skills. These meetings also educate you on the development and presentation of ideas concerning the magazine.
“It is far more common for people to allow ego to stand in the way of learning.”
/ Ray Dalio